Friday, November 16, 2007

Life list

In no particular order, some things I want to do during my lifetime.

+ Get a tattoo
+ Get a Master's
+ Get a Ph.D
+ Write for the NY Times
+ Win a Pulitzer
+ Win an Oscar
+ Shoot a documentary
+ Learn how to use FinalCut
+ Brush up on iMovie
+ Study Korean and French
+ Perhaps study German, Arabic, and Japanese
+ Live abroad
+ Write a book
+ Design a website
+ Create a well-watched blog
+ Study CSS
+ Take piano lessons

Not nearly complete. And I'm not ambitious at all. :]


bri-bot said...

what a great list. :)

Hanna said...

Thanks! :D

Reverend Loy said...

An excellent list indeed and I wonder if your ambition will grow with every item you cross off.