Friday, January 25, 2008

On Politics

As I noted on my Twitter account, I've been paying attention mostly to news on politics and sports; I can't elaborate too closely in Twitter, since I have all of 140 characters to work with, so my opinion is spilling over onto my blog.

I'll eventually start that new blog that I keep talking about.

In any case, politics is up to bat first.

If you don't already know by now, I'm endorsing Hilary Clinton for the Democratic candidacy, a move that the New York Times' editorial board has also made. I've chosen Mrs. Clinton because, in my opinion, she has the credentials to back the changes she plans to make, she demonstrates realism and hope for the situation in Iraq, and her stances on policies such as immigration and Roe v. Wade harken back to great American traditions that have been eroded and violated during this current presidency.

What irritates me about recent media coverage of Mrs. Clinton's campaign is the scrutinizing attention they've given first to her "cold and calculated" personality of a no-nonsense Senator and now to the "overwhelming emotion" that brimmed over as she fought for a chance to lead this nation at the New Hampshire primary. A female candidate struggles as no male does to prove her worth, even after she's served two successful terms as one of New York's Senators and even after she revamped the position of First Lady. Unfair? Yes. Realistic? Unfortunately, yes. This country, for all that it promotes equality and justice, is far from embodying those lofty standards. Hilary Clinton's ascension to President would be a giant leap for womankind, heralding the ultimate success for an American woman based on her intelligence, her wit, and her ability to lead.

Also aggravating is the suggestion that President Bill Clinton may have negative effects on his wife's campaign for his outspoken and often heated comments on her behalf. Mr. Clinton was a recurring subject during the most recent live Democratic debate.

I fail to see why a husband vigorously defending his wife is such a bad thing. I fail to see why a Democratic darling defending a front-running candidate for her stances and her potential is a bad thing.

I do hope, however, that Mrs. Clinton wins on the strengths of her own judgment and policies, rather than riding into the White House on the tailcoat of her husband. Hilary Clinton is electable for all the right reasons; her husband is rightfully supportive, but should not be considered Mrs. Clinton's ace. She needs no tricks up her sleeve.


Mooneer said...

I find it amusing that one of the reasons the NYTimes isn't endorsing Obama is that "firstness" isn't a good reason to vote for someone. But Hillary is pretty much the first woman to be President, if she wins. Kinda ironic, eh?

I am a bit concerned about her healthcare plan. I much prefer a single-payer system like most of Europe, but Kucinich dropped out of the race, so there goes that. She'd probably be okay as president, but there's not really anything that makes me excited for her. And I think that'll be her problem going into the general election.

Anonymous said...
