Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On having really, really bad vision

This, my friends, is how poor my eyesight truly is.

Below is a screenshot on a normal day. Obviously, it's been shrunk down to size, but use your imagination. My computer screen is pretty effing big:

Now today, I happened to wear my glasses; wearing them for too long, however, makes me a little headache-y and they start to feel like they're about 20 pounds of steel trying to crush my nose. So I took off my glasses and zoomed in on the site - and this is how far I needed to zoom in in order to read what was on the screen:

540%! And even then, I still had to squint a bit.

The moral of the story? I have really fucking bad vision.

Edit: Unfortunately, IE only lets me zoom out to 1000% - and it was still fuzzy around the edges.

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