Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On blessings

I'm such a whiny little bitch sometimes, that I completely fail to take into serious consideration the good things in my life. So, here goes nothing:

The Good Things in My Life:
- Fresh strawberries
- Chocolate
- Whole-bean coffee
- Funny coworkers
- My car (though it DOES have a tendency to attract spiders...)
- Learning how to dance to country music
- Food cooked by mom
- Sunny days
- Rainy days
- Strange dreams
- Kicking ass
- Friends I would kill for
- Family I've come to love, regardless of everything

There. Now I can go back to whining again.


Lauren said...

Yay for thinking positive. When do you go to the dancing bar? I would love to go with you sometime. Seems like fun / I haven't seen you in a loooooong time.

Hanna said...

I know, it HAS been a while! I've been fairly busy, recently - work is hell, my roommate is injured, and people in my life have all sorts of drama going down - so I haven't been to InCahoots recently. But we typically go Fridays and Saturdays. I'll let you know the next time I go!