Monday, April 5, 2010

On falling in love

People talk about being afraid that they'll never find their better half, their soul-mate, their match. Me, on the other hand? I'm afraid I will, and I'm afraid of what will happen after. All my life I've depended on two things - me, and being hurt by men (and as a result, I've become a bit of a misanthropist). So what happens when I no longer have that grudge to carry? I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I don't know how to be happy with someone. To me, it's a foreign concept, uncharted waters, and what-have-you. It's unknown, and I'm afraid of the unknown.

The statement "I'm afraid of being happy with someone" sounds absurd, and perhaps it is. But not all fears are rational. And what's so absurd about being afraid of the unknown?

What's so great about love, anyway?

"If love's so great, why do you fall into it? You fall into a puddle. You fall into the mud. You fall into the abyss.
"It is not very promising company."

No, it isn't. It's an act of insanity.

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