Friday, January 25, 2008

On Sports

Note: I was going to hold off on publishing this post until tomrrow, so that my politics post would remain in the coveted first post position for at least 24 hours, but I just had to rant. ESPN has incensed me into action.

As a good number of my friends will tell you, with no little irritation in their voices, I've been thinking of almost nothing but football these past few weeks. But who will blame me, considering that Super Bowl Sunday is right around the corner? (Mark your calendars - February 3!)

The coverage the game has been receiving has, however, by and large been completely uninteresting. The focus of the media attention? Tom Brady's goddamn right foot. Tom Brady's goddamn boot. Tom Brady's goddamn foray into Manhattan and supermodel-dating. Goddamn Tom Brady.

To find any interesting NY Giants stories, I have to turn to the New York Times; it makes sense for the Times to give the Giants predominance in coverage, since they're NY's team - but why is ESPN focused so heavily on the Pats? It's a national channel, and the "worldwide leader in sports" - shouldn't it be giving equal coverage to the Giants, who are now 10-1 on the road, and are coming off of three great showings in the Playoffs thus far?

Look at the site's homepage. The Chin and his girlfriend monopolize the attention, with another six headlines on the NFL section of the site. SIX HEADLINES! THE GIANTS HAVE ONE!


Here's a word to you sportswriters out there - it takes TWO teams to play a Super Bowl!

And here's a word of advice to Tom "the Chin" Brady - if you want to avoid unwanted attention, don't stroll around Manhattan in an oversized hoodie and gigantic sunglasses, a combination that screams "Look at me, paparazzi! I'm FAMOUS!" you twit! Go visit your family AND YOUR SON instead of your girlfriend, if you don't want your face and your goddamned shoe plastered all over the evening news!


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