Saturday, January 26, 2008

On bad ankles and older brothers

I find it hilarious that Patriots fans have been blaming Brady's three interceptions in the AFC championship game against the Chargers on his "bad ankle" - when he threw perfect passes in that final quarter after the third picked pass. Quit making excuses for Chin-boy; it could be that he *gasp* screwed up. It could be *gasp* that a play-off caliber team like the Chargers has the defense it takes to hit the quarterback. "Bad ankle" my ass.

I also really, really loathe that in every Eli Manning article I've come across, Peyton is inevitably mentioned in some way or another. Fact: it took Peyton Manning nine (9) seasons to get to the Super Bowl. Fact: it took Eli Manning four (4) seasons to get to the Super Bowl.

I was never an Eli-hater. How many times, since his coming to the Giants, has he taken them to the post-season? How many championship games has he played in? How many records has his team set?

Look it up. You might be surprised.

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