Monday, August 4, 2008

Times are a-changin'

I filled this out a while back; I wanted to see if anything's changed in the past, oh, three years.

5 details about me:

1. I am a recent UCSD grad.
2. I'm pretty sure I have ADD and OCD to certain degrees; I'm also rather anal-retentive.
3. I have a fantastic memory.
4. I'm hugely ambitious. (Momma always said to dream big!)
5. I'm addicted to coffee.

5 details about my appearance right now:

1. Black tank top over a turquoise tank top.
2. Short hair.
3. Jeans.
4. Flip flops.
5. Glasses.

5 favorite films (I'll choose from movies I've seen this year; not in any particular order):

1. The Christopher Nolan-Christian Bale Batman series (Batman Begin counts! I re-watched it in preparation for The Dark Knight.)
3. Wanted
4. Mamma Mia!
5. Hell Boy 2

5 memorable things I have done or about me:

1. People always seem to remember how lou-exuberant I am. I swear I have an indoor voice.
2. I have gotten into a car accident in every car I've driven (so I don't have a great track record. Please don't sue me).
3. I grew 2 cup sizes from birth control pills (again, other people find that memorable).
4. I am a klutz (it's pretty freakin' memorable when a girl falls flat on her butt right in front of you).
5. I don't know. I did cool shit during college, and won an award for my efforts.

5 things that make me happy:

1. A good conversation, preferably filled with side-splitting, pee-my-pants laughter.
2. A good book.
3. A good cup of coffee.
4. A good meal.
5. A good drive at night.

5 things that impress me:

1. An open-minded nature.
2. People who enjoy reading (seems to be rare these days).
3. Young people who are successful/talented.
4. Forces of nature.
5. Good conversationalists.

5 things that don't impress me:

1. Rudeness.
2. A closed mind.
3. Bigotry, racism, sexism, and so forth.
4. Guys in suped-up cars (the Compensators).
5. People with no sense of humor.

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