Thursday, March 5, 2009

On eating with company

I like eating with my coworker for several different reasons:

1. She eats very healthily and, even though I know she won’t judge me if I don’t eat as carefully as she does, I’m much more careful about what I eat when I’m around her. She’s actually really considerate about not going on and on about calories and fat, but I still watch what I eat when I’m around her. This is a good thing, since I did make a resolution to eat healthier foods this year.
2. She and I do the same work, so we gripe to each other about it at lunch. I mean, she’ s really the only other person who gets what I’m doing and vice versa, so it’s nice that we have each other to complain to.
3. If I’d been the only new person, I wouldn’t have anyone to eat with. Just having company at lunch is nice; much as I don’t mind eating by myself, I would prefer to be with someone else.
4. We have a similar sense of humor, and I think our personalities are alike as well, so we get along really easily. If she brings up something funny that happened at work, chances are that I noticed and found it hilarious too.

But I also dislike eating with her:

1. Goddamnit, I like unhealthy food. Sure, eating healthily is literally good for me, but every now and then I want the whole damn donut, not a measly half.
2. It also drives me insane when people talk about their significant others endlessly and needlessly. She will find any and every reason in our conversations to bring up her boyfriend, from our manager’s really bad teaching style to the diet that she’s on.

The good greatly outweighs the bad, however, and I really do enjoy her company. I wasn't sure if I would make friends at this place, so I'm glad that we have each other.

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