Monday, March 9, 2009

On the benefits of work

To briefly explain my work set-up:

1. O. and I are on the support/matching team, with three other guys - R1, R2, and V.
2. This team answers to three account managers - C., J., and R3.
3. There is a fourth account manager – sort of the head account manager, or senior account manager - O.
4. There are two higher ups (executive and... super manager? Who is not so super as the executive?) who the account managers answer to - S. and M.(hahahahahahahaha), respectively.

Now onto the story: O. and I had lunch with the rest of our team on Friday – a sort-of “Welcome to the club!” lunch – and we picked up some interesting information. All of us are temp employees, but V. has been here for TWO YEARS and the other two, R1 and R2, have been here for 8 months.

When AppleOne said “long-term” temp, they really meant it. No wonder they didn’t give me a time-frame.

Well, this is good and bad. Good, in that I have a very stable job, will likely leave only when I feel like leaving (which at this point will be VERY SOON), and I'm making money. Bad, in that I won’t ever get my full pay, which should be around $20/hr (according to my job recruiter friend), nor will I get benefits. Luckily, I’m still under my parents’ health insurance plan, so isn’t a huge deal; I’d still like to be independent of my parents, however, and sooner rather than later. Right now, all they’re paying for is my health insurance and my cell phone plan. I’ll probably take my phone plan at the end of this contract, but the health insurance may have to wait.

Damn. I was hoping for complete independence this year, but I’m not about to give up my current insurance plan for AppleOne’s shitty benefits.

Well. Maybe next year.

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