Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On being alone, but not lonely

I've discovered a breed of people just like me, known as Quirkyalones; I am a person who "enjoys being single (but is not opposed to being in a relationship) and generally prefers to be alone rather than dating for the sake of being in a couple."

This is, almost word-for-word, my mantra when it comes to love and relationships. I've gone through the "fuck love!" phase to the "I need love!" phase, and finally struck a happy medium with my heart - something that people worldwide have apparently embraced.

My Quirkyalone quiz results:
How quirkyalone are you?
Your score was 110. Very quirkyalone:
Relatives may give you quizzical looks, and so may friends, but you know in your heart of hearts that you are following your inner voice. Though you may not be romancing a single person, you are romancing the world. Celebrate your freedom on National Quirkyalone Day, February 14th!

"Romancing the world" - I like that. Treating the world like a lover - lavishing it with attention, taking good care of it - sounds like a good plan to me. Better alone, and in love with the world, than in an unhappy relationship just to be half of a pair. Better to be entirely myself, than part of a whole.

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